Varnish in Cloud Web Hosting
Varnish is offered as an optional upgrade with each of our Linux cloud web hosting packages. You can add it to your account through the Hepsia Control Panel, which is available with all shared plans and you will get an exceptionally intuitive graphical interface, which will grant you full control over the caching system. Using 1-click fast-access controls, you can restart or stop any of the instances, in other words – Varnish will no longer be enabled for a given website. You can also see an exhaustive log or clear the cache associated with any of the websites. When you add Varnish to your hosting plan, you will be able to select the maximum amount of system memory that will be at your disposal for data caching purposes and how many websites will use Varnish. You can always order more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and, for best performance, you can set a dedicated IP address for the websites that will use Varnish. This will permit you to take full advantage of your sites and to have a lot of satisfied site users.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages that we’re offering will allow you to employ Varnish once your brand new semi-dedicated server account has been created, as the caching platform comes by default. 64 megabytes of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the moment your account is activated, so you can use this load balancing software as soon as your website has been published online. If you need more system memory, you can add 32 MB at a time from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated server instantly. You can also increase the number of the sites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not bound directly to the amount of system memory that you use, which goes to say that you will enjoy more versatility. The caching platform will substantially decrease the load on the machine generated by your websites, so your visitors can enjoy fast-opening pages. You’ll be able to manage Varnish without effort through the Control Panel using fast-access controls. You will be able to start/remove any of the instances that you’ve got, to delete the cache associated with any of your sites or to see system logs.
Varnish in Dedicated Hosting
All Linux dedicated servers hosting packages which are ordered with the in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel include Varnish, which is among the pre-installed platforms that you’ll get with the dedicated machine. The Varnish data caching platform can be configured and managed with no effort through Hepsia’s time and effort saving GUI and, with no more than one single click, you can view an exhaustive log, create or restart an instance, clear the cached data for any site and much more. Soon after you enable the Varnish platform for a given domain or sub-domain, it will start caching the pages accessed by the site visitors and once it has cached enough content, you’ll observe a considerably faster website performance as well as a reduced load. With Varnish-dedicated system memory starting at 3 GB, you’ll be able to use the platform for load distribution purposes even if you run a huge number of sites on your dedicated machine.