WHOIS is a protocol which makes it easy to see the info a given domain name has been registered with either through a command line or by using special web-based lookup sites. This information includes the names, address and email address of the owner, administrator, tech and billing persons as well as the registrar business the Internet domain has been acquired through, the creation and expiration dates. Aside from some country-code TLDs that have certain limitations, the WHOIS details of any domain address can be changed freely anytime, which is quite important provided that based on the policies of the top-level Internet Corporation, ICANN, all details must be current and legitimate always. Failing to comply with these policies may lead to losing the ownership of a domain and in many cases a domain name could even be deleted from the Domain Name System and released for free registration.

Full WHOIS Management in Cloud Web Hosting

When you have a cloud web hosting plan from our company and you register or transfer a domain name, you are going to have 100 % control of its WHOIS information. Via the Domain Manager tool in our custom Hepsia hosting CP, you'll be able to see and edit each detail associated with your domain addresses and even modify the details of a number of domains at once with only several clicks. Our tool is really convenient and you will save time and efforts whenever you manage the WHOIS details of your domains. Any updates that you make are going to take effect very quickly. Needless to say, that is valid for the details that can be modified considering that some country-code TLDs have certain restrictions in this matter, for instance not being able to change the owner names once an Internet domain is already registered. We'll be able to assist you 24/7 if this kind of situation appears for any of your domains.

Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you have a semi-dedicated server plan with us, you'll be able to see and update the WHOIS details of any domain registered here using the same Hepsia Control Panel used to manage the hosting space, so you will not have to log in and out of different systems. By clicking on a particular domain name, you will see its current details and all it will take to edit any one of them will be to enter the new details and save the changes. You can also choose a few domain addresses and update their WHOIS information at the same time, so although you may update 10 or 15 domain addresses, it will not take you more time than to update 1. Because some country-code extensions support updates, yet not automatic ones through the Control Panel, you can contact us and we'll aid you with the task till the wanted change takes effect.